Tormented by his wife's apparent demise, Edmund Merrick sails away to drown his sorrows--only to find himself trapped in the dark world of a demented Frenchman. When his mind clears from its rum-induced haze, will Edmund find the will to escape?
Seemingly abandoned by her husband, Charlisse is thrown into the clutches of the vengeful pirate Kent. Will she be swept away by the undertow of treachery and despair? Can Edmund and Charlisse steer their way to the faith-filled haven they so desperately seek, or will they ultimately lose their love and lives to the sea?
My Opinion:
I was pleased with how great of a sequel this was for The Redemption. I knew it was going to be hard for it to at least match in entertainment. Knowing that Merrick thought his wife was dead made me go insane for almost the entire book. How he buried himself in his sorrow was expected because of his past, but I could not believe how much it hit me and how shocked I was by some of the things he did.
I was also surprised with Charlisse and how she could be so strong and weak at the same time. I was put through both Merrick and Charlisse being torn away from God at points and fighting the undying faith that they knew is impossible to shake. They both were haunted by thoughts that degraded their self worth, telling them that they would never be good enough or that they were failures.
In this book, a girl name Isabel was introduced. I was supposed to pity her and the situation she was in, but I could not get myself to. I despised most of her attitude except for the times she was helping Charlisse. The other times I wanted to hit her myself. All I can do is hope that she grows on me in the next book, The Restitution.
One another note, I have not read many Pirate books, and I am always scared that when I pick on up it will be the cheesy, stereotypical pirate story. MaryLu is a genius and really knows what she is doing when she sits down to begin one of her novels. I will continue to enjoy reading her books for a long time.
Stars: 4