The story of two families torn asunder by deception and betrayal. Lacey Carmichael grew up on Isle of Hope along with her family and their long time family friends, the O'Bryen's. What once was thought of as an inseparable bond between the two families suddenly fell apart.After being away for eight years, Lacey returns to Isle of Hope in hopes that she will be able to mend lost relationships, including her Father and ex-boyfriend Jack O'Bryen. But doing so isn't as easy as she thought.
With a new found faith in God, Lacey trudges forward in her quest, but her depressed Father and grudge holding ex-boyfriend who turned his back on Christ make the mission seem impossible. Will she be able to set things straight and bring them back to what they once were?
My Opinion:
Never ceasing to impress, Julie Lessman takes a on a whole new genre from her other novels, and still manages to conquer it with a jaw-dropping modern romance. With relationships that are still just as twisted and confusing, she unravels the chaos one chapter at a time, until all is renewed by the grace of God.Of course Julie's trademark is still a theme in Isle of Hope, a born again christian and a through and through rebel knock heads and emotions until love conquers all. This engaging scenario never ceases to amaze me, and not for a moment gets old. All the obstacles the characters go through are 100% real life situations as well as the solutions. Their is a balanced blend of, drama, faith, humor, and romance to satisfy many different audiences.
My favorite aspect of Lessman's writting, including this one, is how detailed every event is in each story. She takes us through flashbacks the characters have as if we are living them. No part of any characters life is a secret from us when we get to the last page of the book, and I love that. It makes the story so much more believeable when everything is laid out on the table.
I REALLY hope this book is sold in print copies in the near future, because I would love to have this on my shelf!
And here is Julie Lessman's celebrity picks for Jack and Lacey. I have to say, I completely agree other than the fact Julianne Hough was picked for Charity in A Passion Redeemed! Uh Oh!!!